Optimization is one of the dark arts. It often is essential in the process of getting your game from production to launch. There are many articles out there with general guidelines of how you should go about optimizing your games, but in the end, optimization is a specialized skill that I think benefits from case studies. This is a look at our specific efforts to optimize the 2D animation system in Wulverblade. (more…)
Posts Categorized: Unity
Faking 3D Perspective
Hey Wulvers …. Wulverites? Wulverines (spelled with a “U” so we can’t be sued)? Whatever. It’s Evan Doody here with another tech-art blog post! This time, I’m going to shed some light on how we add depth to our environments, mainly through the use of parallax. This effect has been used to add depth in games since the beginning…of time. According to Wikipedia, “Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines.” Long story short, objects in the background move slower than the camera, and foreground objects move at a rate faster than the camera.
We like to setup our environment scenes with several parallax “layers” to give off the illusion of close, far, really far, and “I think I can see my house from here” far. To do this, we created a simple script which allows us to adjust the position of each layer based on the camera position in the scene. A problem arose, however when Mike presented me with the following object:
Wulverblade coming to Xbox One!
Wulverblade is coming to Xbox One and is playable at GDC!
Yep, you heard that right, my life long dream game is getting a life long dream format, a leading games console, WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
We’ve known about this for a little while, so you can imagine our uncontrollable excitement about wanting to tell the world. And now, as of today, Microsoft have officially announced it, we are SOOOOO excited. So, so, excited.
Play it this week at GDC!
The best bit is, if you happen to be at GDC, head over to the Unity booth (South Hall Expo – Booth 1402) where you can not only see Wulverblade in action, but you can get to play it on the Xbox One, right there!
Click here for a map of where to find it
It is in a very early pre Alpha state, but you’ll get a good feel for the basics of the game. Brian and Colin are there too, so hit them up if you wanna chat about the game at any point. If you get a chance to swing by, please drop up us a comment as we’d love to hear your thoughts!
And a BIG THANKS to the guys at Unity for the showcase, you guys rock!
Screenshots Now and Trailer Coming Soon
Now, some of you may already know that I (Mike) got struck down with appendicitis last week and after a couple of operations am now recovering for a couple of weeks, so that’s stopped me both being there and getting the in-game trailer complete. ULTRA GUTTED! But, I’m going to show off two screenshots from the game here which will hopefully wet your appetite for the trailer. Once I’m back on my feet I’ll have it ready ASAP.